Fitness Challenges

Life after team sports is really hard. You lose a supportive community that you had grown accustomed to, the built in accountability system is gone, and the motivation created by being surrounded with like-minded individuals isn’t yours to tap into anymore. Finding all of that within yourself is really hard, especially when it’s something you had come to expect your entire life.

I’ve found that motivating to work out without an end goal – like a sports season – has been frustrating and damn near impossible. (If you want to read more about this feeling, click here.) When I didn’t want to run or lift, I did it because I had to – for the team.

That’s the problem, folks. Without a team to work for, I realized that I had no interest in doing the work for myself. All of those cliché, empowering programs frustrate me rather than motivate me. I’m a team player through and through, I don’t want to go the long road alone for personal achievement. Give me a group of people and let’s go through hell together.

From that frustration was born an idea: to use my platform to create fitness challenges that engage my readers by either watching me do a challenge that I’m nowhere near fit enough to complete or join me in attempting it! (Click here to read about where the first challenge came from.)

Hopefully, this tab will soon be full of challenges that readers can look back on or attempt at their own discretion. For each of the different challenges, I hope to present my experience in a myriad of ways, be it journal entries, short vlogs, or stats.

If you’ve got an idea for a monthly challenge, let me know using the form below!

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